Frequently Asked Questions

What can an Independent Patient Advocate do that a patient or loved one can’t do on their own?

When it comes to advocating for themselves, patients and loved ones who are in the hospital or coping with a medical problem are at a disadvantage. This is especially true at times of uncertainty, such as when it's time to be released or when a test or procedure is ordered. It might be difficult to acquire answers to even the most basic questions. Because Independent Patient Advocates come from a variety of backgrounds, including nursing, medicine, insurance, and elder care, they are as familiar with health care as attorneys are with the courtroom. When friends and family aren't enough, an Independent Patient Advocate can speak out for patients.

The hospital already has a Patient Advocate. Why do I need another one?

A healthcare company's employees are constrained in what they can do for patients and their families. Patient advocates, navigators, social workers, and discharge planners employed by hospitals are no exception. They choose to work in health care because they are enthusiastic about assisting others. However, they are overburdened with cases, and many work long hours with inadequate resources. Independent Patient Advocates meet with patients and their families one-on-one to discuss alternatives, enhance communication, and coordinate with overburdened medical personnel. Many Independent Patient Advocates worked for hospitals and health care companies before deciding to work for patients directly.

Where do Independent Patient Advocates come from and how are they trained?

The vast majority of Independent Patient Advocates have been frustrated by the health care system and have chosen to take action. Working on the inside, they either saw systemic failings or had a personal experience that inspired them to help others.

Are Independent Patient Advocate services covered by health insurance?

No, not at this time. All services rendered are paid for by you. We do offer financial aid on a case-by-case basis. Contact us for options available.